
Background photo by Michael Milverton on Unsplash.

A Note from 'Tine on "ImpostER" Syndrome vs. "ImpostOR" Syndrome

Both spellings, "imposter" and "impostor", are correct. The "-er" spelling tends to be more popular than the "-or" spelling, but both are completely acceptable. Unfortunately, when I began speaking on the topic and creating accompanying materials, I did not realize that I had chosen the less common spelling. In order to make my content on the subject easier to find, I have decided to migrate from the "-or" spelling to the more commonly used "-er" spelling. In the meantime, please forgive any spelling inconsistencies in the materials below.

━ 'Tine


Past Talks

Imposter Syndrome

Slaying the Beast

Imposter Syndrome is a nasty beast that preys on us at all levels of our careers. But there are times when we are particularly vulnerable to its lures. Learn how to recognize the beast when it starts to sneak up on you, and more importantly, what to do about it! You will leave this talk armed with tools for fighting off Imposter Syndrome, and the confidence to strut into your next meeting, standup, or job interview. Once you’ve learned to slay the beast, you’ll be ready to just slay, in general.

Video (2020) | Video (2019) | Slides | Blog Post


Imposter Systems

The Structures that Induce the Syndrome

We've spent countless hours coping with the impact Imposter Syndrome has on individuals; let's zoom out and address the structural causes of this widespread phenomenon.

Video | Slides coming soon | Blog post coming soon


  • CHIWITCON Keynote | Virtual | September, 2021

Gender Inclusion as a Verb

Walking the Walk of Inclusion for All Genders

It’s easy to say, “Yes, transgender and nonbinary folks can come to this Women in Tech event” or “All genders welcome!” And we might really mean it in our hearts. But have we done the work to make it true? From the language we use, to the speakers we invite, to the facilities we rent, we can be intentional about creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Whether you’re an individual contributor or the CEO, learn the specific actions you can take to make your company, events, and daily interactions truly inclusive for all genders.

Slides | Blog post coming soon


  • TechBash | Mt. Pocono, PA | November, 2019

Curriculum to Command Line

Why Teachers Make Great Coders, and What Your Team Can Learn from Them

Perhaps you’ve heard the oft-quoted statistic that teachers make 1500 decisions per day in their classrooms. How do they do that?! Don’t you think a mind with that kind of training would be great at writing algorithms and defining edge cases? Well, it turns out that they are! Find out why former educators make awesome coders, communicators, teammates, and leaders. And, perhaps more importantly, learn what your teams can do to hone those same skills.

Slides | Blog Post


Career Changers & Impostor Syndrome

Leveraging Your Unique Strengths

It's very common for Impostor Syndrome to impact career changers, especially in their first dev role. Instead of going into the job with a deficit mindset, let’s talk about the unique skills you bring to the table that you’ve honed throughout your previous experiences.

Video | Slides | Blog Post



Various Topics

'Tine has served on several panels, covering a range of topics including minoritized identities in tech, changing careers, and how to network.

Edited November 10, 2021